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How to Apply for Services?

  • Each advisor (school contact) must register to use our services.
  • Advisor registration forms are available on-line.
  • The first time an advisor registers, AERO staff will process the registration form.
  • Once an advisor has been approved, the user ID must be the email address of the advisor at their school or board office
  • Please note, advisor approval will not be given to advisors with e-mail addresses that are not a designated school board address. Yahoo, Sympatico etc. cannot be used.

Once the advisor has been approved, he/she is eligible to register students who attend any of their schools. Advisors only need to register once regardless of how many schools or students for which they are responsible. The on-line registration form provides further details.

The advisor and school are responsible for returning and or deleting any material that has been loaned to the student.